20 Napa Wineries That Are Hosting Virtual Wine Tastings

The sipping, swirling, and winemaker chats continue in Napa as wineries keep their community engaged with virtual wine tastings.
Photo for: 20 Napa Wineries That Are Hosting Virtual Wine Tastings

Wine lovers, here’s a lockdown trend you’re bound to love. Virtual wine tasting is the latest lockdown trend. In places like California, winery tasting rooms are shut temporarily. This initially created a disconnect between wine lovers and their favorite drinks. But now winemakers in California, are reaching out to wine lovers through online seminars, live tastings and even cooking classes. Interestingly there are around 80 virtual wine experiences offered by Discover California Wines.

Here are some of the top wineries in Napa doing virtual wine tastings:

Adamvs Winery Virtual Tasting

Schedule a private, virtual tasting from the Napa Valley wine library with winemaker Sarah Donnelly or owner Denise Adams. Invite others to the virtual tasting for a reunion over fine wine. 

Big White House

Join Big White House winemakers John Evan and Jessica Carroll for “It’s Wine O’Clock Somewhere,” a virtual wine tasting and chat, on Facebook Live at 5 p.m. on Fridays. You can join the fun with any beverage or order a special 3-bottle pack for the tasting

Image: FB/Big white house

JaM Cellars

Napa Valley vintners John and Michele  are hosting virtual tastings on Facebook Live every day at 4.30 p.m.Wine tasting and jumbo jenga playing , with aJam happy hour everyday with great artists.Visit Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaMCellars/

Image: FB/Jamcellars

Chateau Montelena

Every week, winemaker Matt Crafton hosts Instagram Live sessions at 2 p.m. Tuesdays, where he leads virtual tastings, cellar tours, vineyard visits and more. Prefer a one-on-one tasting? Book a virtual Chateau Montelena tasting by emailing wineclubs@montelena.com with the desired date, time and wine(s) you plan to enjoy. 

Far Niente Family of Wineries Virtual Wine Tasting

Guests have the opportunity to ask pressing wine-related questions while learning more about the wines and winery. Guests may enjoy wine from their own cellar or purchase from the winery prior to the tasting. Contact Kelly at 707-302-3627 or kdenny@nickelandnickel.com. 

Image: FB/Far Niente

Gary Farrell Winery’s Sonoma Virtual Experience 

Gary Farrell’s estate sommelier will introduce this new virtual wine and food experience with a tour, a tasting of two pre-shipped wines and a food pairing segment featuring a recipe from Dry Creek Kitchen’s Charlie Palmer.

Image: Fb/gary farrell

Hamel Family Wines at Home 

Available daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Enjoy a virtual tasting experience led by an estate ambassador via Zoom or Facetime. Each experience includes the HFW wine in the tasting, personalized tasting menus and an HFW wine key, along with some extra surprises.

Image: FB/hamel Family

Inman Family Wines

Choose one of four three-packs ($84 and up) of Sonoma pinot noirs, chardonnay, rosés, and sparklers, then join a scheduled “Meet the Maker” happy hour tasting with winemaker Kathleen Inman via Facebook 

Image: FB/Inman Family

Justin Vineyards & Winery

We’re excited to tip off a new virtual wine tasting series: The Masters with JUSTIN. The series brings together winemaking pioneer Justin Baldwin and other renowned leaders for interesting conversations over an exceptional 60-minute wine tasting on Instagram Live every other Friday.

Image: FB/Justin Vineyards

Knights Bridge Winery 

 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. This Calistoga winery offers three 45-minute online tastings by appointment, including the Virtual Tasting, Open the Cellar and Digital Cocktail Party.

Le Vigne Winery

Le Vigne winery is open for virtual tasting from 4 p.m. Wednesdays. Taste zinfandel and cabernet sauvignon on May 26, and other wines on May 13, 20 and 27.Via zoom and facebook live 

Image: FB/Le Vigne

Matchbook Wines

Join Tasting Tuesdays for virtual wine tastings and wine education videos hosted by Matchbook owners, winemakers and tasting room associates. And Sip’n Saturdays are at 3 p.m. on Instagram Live through April, featuring a local musician, complete with virtual tip jar. 

Nottingham Cellars

Enjoy live virtual tastings hosted by the winemaking and hospitality teams via Zoom every Sunday at 3:30 p.m. The week leading up to the tasting, Nottingham Cellars is making a special pack available with instructions on how to join the tasting. Find Zoom information at

Parallel Napa Valley

Schedule a guided tasting ($95) on FaceTime, Skype or Zoom with the winery’s general manager Adrienne Capps, which covers Russian River Valley Chardonnay, Napa Valley Cabernet and Black Diamond Reserve Napa Cabernet.

Quintessa Estate: 

Join general manager Rodrigo Soto and winemaker Rebekah Wineburg for an interactive vineyard and winery experience at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays via Quintessa’s Instagram page. Just tap the profile picture to view the live video.

Rombauer Hour

Virtual Wine Tasting 4 p.m. Thursdays. Join the Rombauer winemaking team for a tasting of the varietal that started the Rombauer brand, cabernet sauvignon. Free.

Schweiger Vineyards Virtual Wine Education and Tasting Series

Virtual wine-tastings and webinars cover a variety of topics, including winery history, wine education and tastings of new-release wines. Order the wines online, then join the tastings, or simply view now and order later. 

Turnbull Virtual Tasting Experience

4 p.m. Thursdays through May.  On May 7, for example, enjoy a live tasting and cooking event with Goose & Gander featuring the 2016 Turnbull Oakville Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon. And on May 28, it’s a barrel tasting with winemaker Peter Heitz.

Wine Foundry’s Inquisitive Sips Virtual Tasting Series 

Wine educator Stuart Ake leads virtual wine tastings at 5 p.m. on Fridays to discuss Foundry and Anarchist wines. No purchase is necessary, but participants are offered special shipping deals on the featured wines. Purchase four bottles and you can schedule a private tasting with Ake.

Yountville Art Sip & Stroll Goes Virtual

April 25 through May. Enjoy a web-based space for art, music and wine lovers, with work from more than 50 artists, virtual studio tours, local musicians, Q & A sessions and virtual wine tastings. 

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